Looking to Grow Physically Spiritually and Mentally

“When I joined this camp last year it was following the recent loss of my dad. It was a difficult time in my life. I needed to make some personal changes that would last a lifetime. I was looking to grow physically, spiritually and mentally. The clear direction of the coach and the support of the team is amazing. I’ve experienced some personal struggles throughout the camp, but being able to reach out and have a team who is there to keep you encouraged and build you up has been a true blessing.” ~ Doranita Tyler, June 22 at 11:34pm

Doranita Tyler, BSFC 2015 Q2

Team BSFC 2015 Q2

Team BSFC 2015 Q2 Cover

Choice, Commitment, Completion, Closure!


The Burn Session Fitness Camp (BSFC) is Your Anywhere Bootcamp, Weight Management & Life Style Improvement Solution. Use our Burn Session Fitness Camps to Practice the New & Different So That “IT” Becomes the Change You Desire!

This camp is for ANYONE who is ready for REAL CHANGE! You start where you are and work to improve your Nutrition, Exercise, Rest, Sleep, Stress Management & Reflection HABITS for 91-days! Accommodations are made and alternate experiences are provided when and where they are needed or necessary.

KEEP THIS IN MIND: This is a Lifestyle Improvement Program which is focused on fat loss, weight loss, body reshaping and providing strategies & resources to help you improving your nutrition, exercise, rest, sleep and stress management habits. This is NOT a run program nor is it a face-2-face program.


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