I Can and I Will – Keep Moving (Tina)
WHAT I LEARNED: You constantly WORK to remain connected to your power source (GOD) which helps you to achieve more of the desires of your heart. Even before the camp, you aligned your will with GOD’s will to find the human & material resources to help you get from where you were to where you are now. Your T-shirts are telling the story of (1) what you achieved, (2) how you achieved it and (3) what you are doing!
- Tina had a total BSFC weight loss of 75 pounds in 52 weeks (1 year of time).
- She did 4 camps to gain what she need for her running and weight loss journey.
- She found the missing link.
Click here to Learn More about the NEXT Burn Session Fitness Camp
BSFC Success Tips from Tina Davis
“Mario Wiggins thank you for sharing this memory. I’m still a work in progress. I’m grateful for the experiences with #BSFC and #TeamRBS. The information I learned is still utilized today. Current and past members are connected forever. You can do this! You have to make up in your mind that you can and you will. Don’t focus on the scale and how much it moves. Follow the instructions of the camp. Posting, reflecting and participating are key factors to your success. These tasks help to renew your mind and change reckless behaviors that led to the weight gain. I’m always available for support and encouragement. Message me anytime. I’ll even be back for a refresher course. Love you guys! Keep moving forward step by step!” ~ Tina Davis
Here is what was meant by my “Get Out the Way” statement.
After my “Get Out the Way” pep talk, Tina had a loss of 3 pounds, then 3.5 pounds which is a lose of 6.5 pounds the week after. Later, she had a loss of 9.4 pounds for the week of 12/04/15 to 12/12/15. The Get Out the Way pep talk – worked! It her what she needed to learn how to more easily tip the scale in the direction she desired for it to go.
The Burn Session Fitness Camp (BSFC) is Your Anywhere Bootcamp, Weight Management & Life Style Improvement Solution. Use our Burn Session Fitness Camps to Practice the New & Different So That “IT” Becomes the Change You Desire!
This camp is for ANYONE who is ready for REAL CHANGE! You start where you are and work to improve your Nutrition, Exercise, Rest, Sleep, Stress Management & Reflection HABITS for 91-days! Accommodations are made and alternate experiences are provided when and where they are needed or necessary.
KEEP THIS IN MIND: This is a Lifestyle Improvement Program which is focused on fat loss, weight loss, body reshaping and providing strategies & resources to help you improving your nutrition, exercise, rest, sleep and stress management habits. This is NOT a run program nor is it a face-2-face program.
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